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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ignite Talk presented during 7th Annual C5ISR Summit

It depends. If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now. -- Woodrow Wilson, upon being asked by a member of his cabinet about the amount of time he spent preparing speeches
I was chosen to deliver an Ignite Talk during this month's C5ISR Government and Industry Partnership Summit in North Charleston, SC.  My students will attest I have been known to burn through about 100 slides on a Monday evening from 6pm to 9pm during the C4ISR class at UCSD Extension.  But 5 minutes, using 20 slides, flipped automatically every 15 seconds was a real challenge.  Also delivering Ignite Talks were IBM, Dell, Microsoft, Nova Power Solutions, Spry Methods and half a dozen other innovative companies.  On the sage advice of a great man I truly admire, I endeavored to allow the slides to do most of the talking about the government's need for Unstructured Testing.  If the summit's Ignite Talks are ever published, I'll endeavor to include a link here.  The 20 slides are on my iPad, which I take almost everywhere... have elevator pitch will travel.              

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